Channel: Piano With Jonny
Category: Education
Tags: piano chords for beginnerspractice chords pianopiano chordspiano scalespiano diatonic chordsjonny maybeginner piano chordspractice chordsbest way to practice chordsdiatonic chordspiano exercisespiano lessons for beginnerschord progression pianopiano chord progressionbeginner piano lessonslearn piano for beginnerspiano with jonnyhow to play piano chordseasy pianopiano exercises for beginnershow to practice chords
Description: ► Get your FREE Top 5 Piano Tips Guide: ► Download this Quick Tip lesson sheet and backing track: LESSON SUMMARY Chords are a key ingredient in making music. However, many beginner students struggle to gain proficiency with basic 3-note chords. When this occurs, it's usually because they don't understand how different chords are related. Today's Quick Tip will help beginner pianists gain mastery in playing chords by exploring chord relationships in a memorable way. You'll learn: -What are Diatonic Chords? -What Does 'Diatonic' Mean? -Learning Piano Chords with 'The Function Method' -How to Master Diatonic Triads in 3 Months ► Learn diatonic chords in our Key Courses Part 1: Part 2: Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 00:48 - How Most Students Learn Chords 02:03 - Learn Chords by Function 02:17 - Step 1: Start with a Major Scale 02:39 - Step 2: Stack 2 Third Intervals on Each Note 04:01 - Pop Chord Progressions 04:22 - Diatonic Chords 04:39 - Memorize the Formula 05:25 - Chord Game 05:59 - Step 3: Assign the Chord Quality 06:51 - How to Practice 08:29 - Conclusion === ► Get your FREE 14-Day Trial to PWJ here: ►FACEBOOK: ►INSTAGRAM: ►TIKTOK: ►TWITTER: Happy practicing! Jonny May