Channel: NFKRZ
Category: Comedy
Tags: saint petersburgrussian rap musicrussian cityrussian culturereactionbald and bankruptthe moscow metro dropped an albumnfkrzsoviet unionmoscow metromoscowussrsoviet townrussian propagandarussian rapperrussian metrorussiarussian rapmetrosoviet city planningvlogsoviet cityrussian music
Description: SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: ​ If you're interested in Russia or the Soviet Union at all, you must have definitely heard about the Moscow Metro. It's one of the biggest and most beautiful subway systems in the world that is ever expanding. Well, recently the Moscow Metro opened a new line and decided to invite a bunch of Russian rappers and singers to make an album advertising it, and it's one of the most bizarre things I've ever heard. Let's react to the Moscow Metro's Moscow Mixtape. Smash like and sub for more thx xoxo --------------------------------- Instagram ► Twitch ► --------------------------------- Outro music ► MajorLeagueWobs/Holder - D I S T A N T