Channel: Keyworth
Category: Gaming
Tags: rust solo online raidsluckyrust solo run richrich raidluckmovierust solo wipeone in a millionrust survivalrunrust online raidingrust solo raidrust solo runrust solo playerrustrust gameplayrust survival moviethe luckiest solo run i have ever had seriouslyrust profit raidsrust storyrevengeonline raidingrust raidspvprust solo raidsrust movierust groupsolo luckspeed runrust filmthe solo lifesolo profit raids
Description: My Twitch! Big thanks to G-Portal for hosting my server! Check them out here! - Use this link for 5% off your purchase! In this episode of the solo series. I start on on brand new server. I start with a bit of a struggle to find my feet, but this run ends up being The LUCKIEST SOLO RUN I HAVE EVER HAD. SERIOUSLY My Discord! Follow my twitter! My Steam trade offer URL if you're kind enough to want to send me any skins or games etc. :)