Channel: MortisWTF
Category: Entertainment
Tags: jackie chankarate kid antes y despuésthe karate kid before and aftermartial arts dramaantes y despuéswenwen hanken stovitzkung fu dreamthe karate kid then and nowmortiswtfthe karate kid 2010jada pinkett smithtaraji p. hensonkarate kidjames lassiterharald zwartlead rolesjerry weintraubchristopher murpheyjaden smiththe karate kidkarate kid then and now20182017robert mark kamenkarate kid before and afterthe karate kid cast
Description: ▂ ▃▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ CLICK ON SHOW MORE ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃▃ ▂ The Karate Kid (known as The Kung Fu Dream in China) is a 2010 family martial arts drama film directed by Harald Zwart. It stars Jaden Smith, Taraji P. Henson and Jackie Chan in lead roles, and it was produced by Jerry Weintraub, James Lassiter, Ken Stovitz and Jaden's parents Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. The screenplay by Christopher Murphey was from the story written by Robert Mark Kamen for the original The Karate Kid. If you enjoyed watching subscribe for a new video every day.