Channel: EmperorTigerstar
Category: Education
Tags: ottoman empirealbaniabulgariaworld war igermanyrhodesworld war iigreecegeographyserbiaeuropeitalybalkansmacedoniaaegeanhistoryathensyugoslaviaspartacretemediterranean1821corinthturkeysmyrnia
Description: While Greece has a long and ancient history, its current modern state can be traced to the 19th century after winning independence from the Ottoman Empire. ➤ Support this channel with my Patreon!: Information Sources: "Greek Civil War 1946-49" by Costas Melas "Greek Resistance in World War II: Every Day (1941-1945)" by Aegea Past works Wikipedia Music used: "Achilles" by Kevin MacLeod "The Hymn For Liberty" (Greek National Anthem)