Channel: JoshuaDTV
Category: Education
Tags: history of kissingjoshua david evans newsguruempathytrue crimewhy do we kissjoshua david evans seasonsbreakdownjoshua david evans summertime masterpiecejoshuadtv wifeunsubcribejoshuadtv marriagedeep divetrue crime contentpsychologyhow to kissjoshuadtv vlogkissingjoshuadtv speaksjoshuadtv weddingmillennialjoshuadtvthe history ofjoshua david evans
Description: The History of Kissing: Why Do We Kiss? What was your most memorable kiss? Was it good? Bad? Wish you could forget it? Let us know in the comments :) Unsubscribe Series: There are things in this universe within history, culture, and evolution that deserve a second look, third look, or let’s be honest... countless more. You may find that the things that we claim to be certain about are actually not certain at all. Let’s zoom out a little, shall we? What’s the bigger picture? What are we missing? What are we repeating? What will remain intact and what will change if we simply just choose to UNSUBSCRIBE from what we’ve been told to accept? The answer to that is up to you, really. This series will ask you and me to take a deeper look into why we think what we think. Are we willing to let our minds even go there in the first place? Embracing change or sometimes even reality is reserved for the bold of heart and for those seeking authenticity. Who’s willing to step out of line from what society has told you to accept? Who wants to stop following the crowd... and start looking at what is actually happening around us? Who out there is willing to UNSUBSCRIBE? The History of Kissing: Why Do We Kiss? Voiced and fully produced by Joshua David Evans Subscribe to me: Josh's twitter: Josh's Instagram: Business Inquiries: Tweet me a pic of you wearing it so I can share that with other viewers on twitter! Download My Album: —————————————————