Channel: Geethanjali Kids - Tamil
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: tamil fairy talesfairy tales stories in tamilfairy tales story in tamiltamil story for kids in tamilmoral stories in tamilstory in tamilfairy tale in tamiltamil cartoonstamil stories for kidsகுழந்தைகளுக்கான தமிழ் கதைகள்fairy tales in tamilstories for kids in tamilkids story in tamilதமிழ் சிறுகதைகள்fairy tale story in tamiltamil story for childrentamil short storiestamil fairy tales storiesfairy tales tamil
Description: The Greedy Forester - Tamil Fairy Tales - பேராசை உடையவர் - குழந்தைகளுக்கான தமிழ் கதைகள் The Jataka Tales are a veritable treasure of Indian folklore, legend and fable. Each time these popular stories are told, they acquire a new color and fresh dimension. Besides being entertaining, the Jataka tales give us invaluable information about ancient Indian civilization, culture and philosophy. The wisdom of right thinking and right living is preserved in the Jataka tales. This collection includes a selection of fascinating animal tales on the theme of courage. Subscribe to our Cartoon For Kids Channel: #tamilfairytales #tamilshortstories #amilstories #tamilbedtimestories