Channel: Nat and Friends
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: voice commands20 percent projectnat and logoogle app voicenat and lo's 20% projectnat & lo's 20% projectgoogle app's new voiceask googlegoogle ithow computer voice worksspeech recognitionnat & lo's 20 percent projectbehind the scenesnat & look googledigital voicegoogle appnat and lo's 20 percent projectspeech synthesisnew voicecomputer voicegoogle20% projectvoice searchgoogle voicecomputer voice explainedtext to speech
Description: If you’ve ever pressed the little mic in the Google app and talked to Google, you’ve probably heard a computer voice that talks back to you. We heard that there was a team at Google creating a new voice, and we jumped at the chance (and into the recording booth) to learn how they made it. Check out our newest episode: Interested in more? Here’s a link to a little demo video that we made so you can hear the new voice in action → You can also download the Google app and try it out yourself → "Record all things" meme image, Allie Brosh (who's amazing!!! Just like speech synthesis, this video is made via a combination of many individual talents. Thanks to Tida Tep (, Andy Mastrocinque (, MixTape Club (, and Zoë Lotus ( for the graphics & animations in this episode! And thanks to Vibe Mountain and Huma-Huma ( for the music! :) Nat & Lo's 20% Project -- a show about all the stuff we're curious about at Google.