Channel: Geethanjali Kids - Tamil
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: tamil fairy talesfairy tales stories in tamilfairy tales story in tamiltamil storystory for kids in tamiltamil stories for childrenstory in tamilfairy tale in tamiltamil kids storiesstory tamilfairy tale stories in tamiltamil stories for kidsstories tamilfairy tales in tamilstories for kids in tamiltamiltamil storiescartoonsstories in tamilfairy stories in tamiltamil fairy tales storiesin tamilfairy tales tamilfairy tail in tamil
Description: The Golden Crab - Tamil Fairy Tales - தங்க நண்டு - அறநெறிகளுடன் குழந்தைகளுக்கான தமிழ் கதைகள் Panchatantra Tales - The Golden Crab - View the friendship between a farmer and a crab and find out how the crab saves the farmer's life. Panchatantra tells about five ways that help the human being succeed in life. Pancha means five and tantra means ways or principles. Addressed to the kings children, the stories are primarily about statecraft and are popular throughout the world. Subscribe to our Cartoon For Kids Channel: #tamilfairytales #tamilshortstories #tamilbedtimestories #tamilprincessfairytales #animalstories