Channel: Eton
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: cars 3 diecastlego stopmotioncars 2cars 3hotwheels racinglego city stopmotionlego speed championslegowatch cars 3lego stopmotion racinglego machinescars stopmotiondisney carslego fatorylightningetonhotwheels stopmotion racinglego speed buildpixar cars 2 stopmotionpixar cars stopmotionchoro qlego custommovie cars 3lego buildcars 3 toymcqueendisneydisney cars racinglego cityhotwheelsmovie carslego story stopmotion
Description: Thank you for watching! I tried to make a spooky video due to Halloween! But.. out of talent. It's just another car pursuit video. Gotta grow up my creativity more. Thank you for watching guys! Hope you've enjoyed it. yay Believe it or not, I spent more than 2 hours building that ghost car. Music Info) Sea Of Doom - Doug Maxwell (Media Right Productions) Big Hands - Silent Partner