Channel: abby edwards
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: haulaffordable haulthrifted haulhannah melocheellie thumanncolorful clothing haultrendy haulnew clothes haulavery ovardbestdressed haulbrandy melville haulhaul 2020clothing haulurban outfitters haulemma chamberlaincolorful haulthrift haulur mom ashleybestdressedabby edwardsthrifted clothing haul
Description: welcome BACK to another installment of me buying really colorful clothes that i can probably only wear once because they're too flashy... ENJOY! also... y'all seein' these consistent uploads? thats what we call above average time management 🌈 let’s be friends! instagram @abbygr4ce snapchat @abbzedz spotify @abbyedwards22 twitter @abbygr4ce 🦋 more about me age - 18 editor - final cut pro x camera - canon80d or canon G7x height - 5’8 🍒 for business inquiries, please email I LOVE YOU THANKS FOR WATCHING