Channel: Salomondrin
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: vehicle virginsdaily vlogslamborghinisolana0-60mphjay leno's garagegrand tourjay lenos garageeconimicsaccelerationethereumtop gearvlogsreviewpodcastjucafirst drivemr jwwtutorialcarfectionhyper 5funnyroad testmotor trendmo vlogsreal estateexhaustferraristock marketentrepreneurshipgary vaynerchukcryptosalomondrinbuzzfeedvideosalomundogaryveestreetspeed717hit it pedrojoe rogannftcar throttlebangin gearsbitcoin
Description: Ahhhhh the "US economy"... an incredible place to be gambling your money as long as you understand how these corrupt mofos operate! This is the way I see it, and so far, it's been right until today.