Channel: Primed
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: alternative sleep cyclespolyphasic sleepinghow to polyphasic sleeppolyphasic sleepronaldocristiano ronaldosleep schedulehow to master polyphasic sleepathletes and sleepsleep cyclehow to start polyphasic sleepprimedhow to sleep fastronaldo sleepbiphasic sleepimprove sleepnick littlehales
Description: Audible 30 Day Free Trail: Nick's book SLEEP on Amazon: Website: Instagram: Primed Some of the greatest athletes athletes in the world have altered their way of sleeping in order to get greater recovery as well as enhance their performance when competing. They have abandoned the traditional way sleeping in one big chunk at night and instead divided it to more than once, and there are some pretty interesting reasons as to why. So in this video I’ll explain polyphasic sleeping and how it can benefit you. So polyphasic sleep is in the simplest terms sleeping in more than one phase opposed to monophasic sleep, which is what most people do - sleep in one big phase at night. And sleeping more than once a day might seem to be a weird new idea but in fact polyphasic sleep is as old as it gets and many animals do it naturally as well as humans, at least at first. Newborn babies are generally polyphasic before being trained to sleep all in one at night. But one person who brought the concept of polyphasic sleeping into the world of sport was Nick Littlehales as he was convinced it would improve and optimize athletes performances and ability to recover from their intense and tight schedules. He claims that eight hours of continuous sleep isn't suited to many people as it creates unnatural rhythms and leaves workers at their most tired between 1 and 3 pm during the day. Nick suggests to listen to the body’s internal clock and break the sleep up into two or more phases rather than one big one. Other references: