Channel: Geethanjali Kids - Tamil
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: tamil fairy talesfairy tales story in tamilfairy tales stories in tamilstory for kids in tamiltamil storystoriestamil stories for childrenstory in tamilfairy tales storiesfairy tale in tamilfairy talesstory tamilkids storytamil stories for kidsfairy tales in tamilstories for kids in tamiltamiltamil storiesfairy tale story in tamilfairy stories in tamiltamil short storiestamil fairytalestamil fairy tales storiesfairy tail in tamil
Description: The Faithful Sumir - Tamil Fairy Tales - உண்மையுள்ள அன்ன பறவை - குழந்தைகளுக்கான தமிழ் கதைகள் Jataka Tales - Faithful Sumir Find out how a minister-swan saves the life of the king-swan. Friendship is the ship that never sinks, goes a famous song line. To value friendship and make it the joy of one's life, we must practice tolerance, which is the greatest asset in any relationship. "True Friends" collection helps children appreciate the great value of friendship through beautiful tales. Animals speak and converse with human beings and act out their parts to make kids comprehend the worth of lasting relationships based on mutual respect and affection, story is different. These imaginatively animated stories present different kinds of friends, their attitudes, their strengths and their behavior. The world of friends unfolds here.. Subscribe to our Cartoon For Kids Channel: #fairytales #tamilfairytales #tamilshortstories #tamilbedtimestories #tamiltales #tamilstoriesforkids