Channel: Thafnine
Category: Gaming
Tags: creepy easter eggsgoogle easter eggsvideo game easter eggscariest easter eggst9liminal spacejumpscare easter eggvideoevolution of video game easter eggsthafninethafnine scary easter eggscreepiest easter eggsthafrealthafnine1st ever easter eggthafnine easter eggscary easter eggstop 45 scariest easter eggsfirst easter eggcommentaryeaster eggthafnine dead spaceeaster eggs in gamessource liminal
Description: New Thaf Merch is OUT NOW! Easter seems to have arrived a little bit early this year. And it's much scarier this time around. SECOND CHANNEL: VODS CHANNEL: PATREON: DISCORD: TWITTER: TWITCH: 6 months in the making, my new main channel video is here, and a lot of things have changed which has forced me to make this description as nice as possible for the YouTube trending overlords. In this video I talk about Easter eggs in video games, including some creepy Easter eggs in video games and i take some inspiration from the top 10 scariest Easter eggs in video games. This video is very similar to my Evolution of Fourth Wall Breaking Games, in which I talk about several Easter eggs in games that I played when I was younger, and some childhood scary moments while playing video games. As well as documenting the history behind video game Easter eggs, such as the very first Easter egg and how it was made. Adventure in fact. I also talk about Dead Space Easter eggs, Doom Easter eggs, and jumpscare Easter eggs and also dedicate a section of the video into just talking about liminal spaces in Source Engine and how people use the creepy Source engine to make for some scary easter eggs in GMod maps across the Garry's Mod workshop. I also discuss the ending of NieR Automata and the final Easter Egg that was hidden in the game, as well as some Crash Bandicoot and Spyro Easter eggs! Oh yeah I also made a little bit of an analog horror reference in the video and if you're reading this after seeing it, you'll notice the Walten Files and Mandela Catalogue influence on it haha. This video has been in the works for 6 months after my Corpse Party video (obviously not to be confused with Corpse Husband) and I have been so grateful that you guys have been so patient with me and stuck with me as I work on content behind the scenes on all three of my channels. Please watch the video to the end for a massive update about where I've been if you're wondering where I've been for the past couple of months. While this isn't as long as my Corpse Party video, this is definitely the hardest video I've ever had to write because there is just so much content to cover with this topic and not enough time! So I decided to condense things a little bit for this video with the intention of maybe making a longer extended cut in the future on my Patreon. Since the last video I crossed the 300,000 subscriber milestone and I am so incredibly grateful that you guys have been so patient and stuck with me on this channel for as long as you have. If you are still reading this description, comment down below the creepiest Easter egg you've ever encountered and maybe talk about some ones I've missed! Hopefully the algorithm is nice to me on this one. Thanks again, and I'll hopefully see you in the next one! SOURCES Starship 1 Easter Egg from The Easter Egg Hunter NieR Automata's Final Secret from Lance McDonald Gradius gameplay from NESGuide Dead by Daylight Vtuber gameplay from CeceVR The VERY FIRST software Easter Egg from Critical Hit Konami Code in Dead by Daylight from Hank Land Silent Hill 3 Douglas Easter Egg from AdamSpencer87 #EasterEggs