Channel: BBC Studios
Category: Entertainment
Tags: foresthabitatbbc documentarynomadicinfluencepreservationnegativeecologyplantationplantsjusticegreedanimalshuntingdocumentarypenanbbcsarawakbusinessplightmalaysianbruce parrycommunitybbc worldwidepeoplerespectlifestyledeforestationhunter gathererconservationenvironmentbruneitribeseries 3loggingborneo
Description: Discover key moments from history and stories about fascinating people on the Official BBC Documentary channel: As we are already aware, the growing influence of outsiders into communities of indigenous people has mostly had a negative impact. As a result of 40 years intensive Logging in the Sarawak forests of Borneo, the very habitat the Penan tribe rely on to live, can no longer sustain their way of life. Taken From Tribe With Bruce Parry This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback: