Channel: Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Category: Entertainment
Tags: new booksonderjohn koenigbooksemotionpsychologythe dictionary of obscure sorrowsbooksimon & schusterdictionary of obscure sorrows
Description: THE BOOK IS HERE from Simon & Schuster: Amazon or get the AUDIOBOOK, read by the author: Barnes & Noble;jsessionid=47C1D83572900DFA5C2742824B025B88.prodny_store02-atgap17?ean=9781501153648&st=AFF&2sid=Simon%20&%20Schuster_7567305_NA&sourceId=AFFSimon%20&%20Schuster -- Special note to my subscribers: Thank you all for your patience. In the last couple years I had already been hard at work writing the book, but then life happened: I moved abroad, my daughter Charlotte was born, and I had to have unexpected heart surgery right when Covid was at its worst. I made it through, thankfully, back to full power. And now I feel extraordinarily grateful that the book is finally here, that I lived long enough to see it happen, and that you all have stuck with me. I have no words for any of that. But I'm excited to get a chance to make more videos again. I love it. -- “BRILLIANT” —New York Magazine "Creates beautiful new words that we need but do not yet have." —John Green, New York Times bestselling author of "The Fault in Our Stars" “Koenig connects the seemingly unconnectable feelings we as humans experience on a daily basis and puts words to them. Koenig brilliantly finds a way to show, in his new words and their definitions, how we connect to ourselves and one another through feelings and emotions.” —BoDean Warnock, Booklist "A beautiful little book…Whatever the half-baked, unfinished, yet-to-be-articulated emotion tumbling around in your brain, this book will find a way to name it. Koenig has a cunning ability to parse out emotions in a very specific way and pin them down into actual articulation, both in the word he creates itself and its poetic definition and etymology. There is joy to be found in every nook and cranny of this book.” —Michigan Daily Review