Channel: Adafruit Industries
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: electronicsprojectsadafruit promo coderaspberry pilimorcomputertensorflowarduinodiysteamadafruit couponsada fruitmakehardwaremicrocontrollersmicro:bitraspberrypythonraspberrypimakerscircuitplaygoundaiadafruitmachine learningmicropythonmicrobitneopixelladyadalimorfriedneopixelsraspberry pi zeroopensourcepinyccircuitpythonadafritstem
Description: On this week's Desk of Ladyada we're celebrating spring - the tulips and cherry blossoms are blooming all over NYC this weekend. We took some cute spot-color pictures with the KB2040 for an upcoming freebie promo. We also got some samples of CH9102 which work great as replacements for CP210x which is good because we've had some difficulty getting the chips we've booked on allocation. We also found a very nice USB PD sink chip that has I2C and pin-select for voltage and current, and designed a breakout! The Great Search - Pink or purple LEDs! NYC's cherry blossom trees are in full bloom and we were inspired to perhaps get some pretty 0603 LEDs that we could use as indicators, especially on our pink KB2040 PCBs. This great search will show you some tips on reading the datasheet for an LED to verify the wavelength is a color you like #deskofladyada #thegreatsearch #adafruit Visit the Adafruit shop online - ----------------------------------------- LIVE CHAT IS HERE! Adafruit on Instagram: Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: -----------------------------------------