Channel: Of Herbs and Altars
Category: Entertainment
Tags: nostalgia projectnostalgiaof herbs and altars0sstorytimeeddies firestory timey2k gothofherbsandaltarsthrowbackgothof herbs and altersgoth sceney2k00sflashbackedwards no 8 fire00s gothgoth club90s goth
Description: Hopefully an Ending Situation that leaves everybody happy! While I'm editing away at the written version, if you missed any chapters, the playlist is ...or, to see those chapters ad-free & uncensored, the $2 Patreon link is below; eternal gratitude to all those of you who've come over to Patreon on this journey - I'm excited for Things To Come...! ...oh, & if you're intrigued by more writing, my other book, the one wot's already out in the world, is linked below on Amazon, though that's the American site; if you're elsewhere in the world, simply go to your local Amazon site and search up 'The Putrescent Vein', available in print or as an e-book. It's largely vampirey short stories, so rather different, but it's there, if you want a *peruse*, until this one's in publishable condition! C-: And once more with feeling, HUGE thanks to everyone who encouraged this project into being, & poked me along the way with their encouragement sticks - you're fabulous, & I doubt it ever would've gotten this far without you! – $2 gets you in the club for early access to nearly all YouTube content, and the ad-free, uncensored versions of these storytimes – join usssss! :D -Instagram – ofherbsandaltars -My book of horror stories, including a vampire novella, which is a prelude to the novel I'm working on currently: search Amazon for The Putrescent Vein, available in print or on Kindle! :3 -Music – Amazon, iTunes, Spotify: 4am Vampire Blues by Neon Midnight, iTunes linkiepoo is here: -And album number 2, Retribution, is here: -Angry Vampires – -Short stories – -FB – PO Box: Dorian B Initial Business Centre Wilson Business Park Manchester M40 8WN UK --if sending anything to PO Box, please mark as 'gift' so I'm not hit with customs charges! I appreciate everyone who takes the time, but customs charges are super hard to sort out via a PO Box and can sometimes result in the item being returned to sender before I get it sorted :-/ so yeah, mark as gift and all should go smoothly!—