Channel: Scrubby
Category: Gaming
Tags: the cheapest family in the worldthe cheapest family in the world tlcthe cheapest family in the world..the cheapest familytop 5 cheapest families in the worldtlccheapest family in americafamily friendlycheapest familyreacting to the cheapest familycheapestthe cheapest family in the world reactioncheapest family in the worldextreme cheapskatesfamilysatirefortnitecheapest family everscrubby
Description: 20K LIKES OR I SWEAR I WILL EAT A PRETZEL So TLC has this show known as "extreme cheapskates" where they highlight families that are super cheap, and this family is...well they share everything. This group might actually be the worlds cheapest family, the cheapest family ever, and the CHEAPEST family on Earth. -SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE- This is purely satire! Don’t go to these peoples channels. It’s all a joke! fortnite family friendly the cheapest family ever