Channel: M-1 Global World
Category: Sports
Tags: mmamixed martial artsbest fightspunchermma knockoutжесткий нокаутнокаутcomebacktop koрусский победилsergey balсергей бальtop knockoutпоказал характерудивил всехfightknockoutmuay thaiбрутальный нокаутhighlanderkobest koфедор емельяненкоглухой нокаутmario sartoriрусские бойцыnightmarebrutal knockoutbattleмарио сарторинокаутировалfighterлучшие нокаутыбойалександр шлеменковырубил
Description: Comebacks in mixed martial arts, like in other sports, attract special interest from the audience. They were also in the battles of Fedor Emelianenko and Alexander Shlemenko. After all, it doesn’t happen so often that one fighter, seemingly losing in the course of the battle, suddenly finds the strength to break him or takes advantage of the mistake of the dominant opponent. Today we will tell you about the match that took place on August 5, 2011 in Sochi as part of the team match between the national teams of Russia and Brazil at the S-70 league tournament The champion of St. Petersburg in Thai boxing and the multiple champion of Russia in full contact karate Sergey Bal met with the Brazilian fighter Mario Sartori. The Brazilian represented the legendary team Chute Boxe, had a black belt in taekwondo, competed in various tournaments and had a professional record of 8 wins with 3 losses. Sergey also boasted eight victories in the professional arena in 15 fights and had performances in the M-1 Global and PRO FC tournaments. #Comeback #Battle #Fight