Channel: Pianote
Category: Education
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Description: About This Lesson: Make your practices more fun and more efficient! In this video Lisa shows you how to practice as a beginner on your piano learning journey. ❤️ You'll learn: how to wake up your hands, techniques to develop your skills and coordination, and how to have a fun and inspiring practice! Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:30 - Step 1 - Relax 0:44 - Step 2 - 5 Note Scale 3:36 - Step 3 - Arpeggio Pattern 5:19 - Step 4 - Left Hand Arpeggio 6:54 - Step 5 - Play A Song 8:20 - Outro From Lisa: I love to help students unlock their full musical potential. I have taught in a wide variety of settings from Music for Young Children to helping recording artists prepare their songs for the road. I also have specialized experience working with children that struggle with learning, developmental, and physical disabilities. While my background is classical, I’m currently focusing on helping my students play the music they love by ear! I’m excited to be a part of YOUR journey as you learn how to sight read, play by ear, and progress through musical theory. It is going to be fun! Our FREE piano courses: Getting Started (your first lessons): Chord Hacks (chording): Sight-Reading Made Simple: Follow us on social media: ►Instagram: ►Facebook: