Channel: Robot Head
Category: Entertainment
Tags: robert pattinsonthe dark knightbatman beginsbruce waynethe dark knight risesthe batmanpeter sarsgaardmatt reevesreviewszoë kravitzcolin farrelljeffrey wrightrobot headjayme lawsonthe riddlermovie reviewgordonpaul danocatwomanendingspoilersandy serkisjokerthe batman moviejohn turturropenguinalfredred letter media
Description: Is Matt Reeves’ Batman better than Christopher Nolan’s Batman? He shouts a lot less. Go to and use the code robothead you get an additional 10% off. Become a Lord or a Lady today! The Batman film really surprised me but is it deserving of all the hype? And why are people so concerned with the cast and that one dreaded line of dialogue? Let’s talk about Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz and how Christian Bale’s performance is not aging well. The Batman Spoiler Review! Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: T Shirts: #TheBatman #DC