Channel: Ridddle
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: #eldddir_ocean#eldddir_spaceridddlescience#eldddir#eldddir_homo#eldddir_animals#eldddir_bombs#eldddir_earth#eldddir_disaster
Description: The night sky looks so peaceful and serene. But if you take a closer peek, you’ll see a battlefield. Everywhere you look, titans clash to death. Some of them are ramming each other at high speeds like war elephants. Others are practicing joint locks like judo fighters. And this interstellar gang attacked a lonesome opponent and tore it into pieces. Colliding galaxies are the most spectacular events in our universe. And someday, our roles will switch from the audience watching this action show to its participants. Andromeda and our Milky Way will get into a deadly battle in four billion years. In this video, you’ll find out: which of the galaxies is “stronger” and better prepared for the fight? Does it mean that all stars will collide up in the sky above our heads? And what fate will await us in the heat of the galactic clash?