Channel: Matrix Disclosure
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: pueblo bonitoextraterrestrialwingmakers ancient arrow projectchaco canyonalien originsthird eyeancient arrow projectalien
Description: The uniquely D-shaped Pueblo Bonito (Spanish for “beautiful town”) is the most famous and largest of all Chacoan great houses, hosting more than 350 ground floor rooms, three great kivas and 32 smaller kivas. At its peak, Pueblo Bonito rose some four stories along the arc of north side rooms with interior rooms from one — three stories high. The Ancient Arrow Project Optical Disc of Alien Origins Pueblo Bonito was first occupied from the mid-850s A.D. until the early 12th century. Like all the other major structures found in Chaco Canyon, Pueblo Bonito was built with an internal geometry that aligns it to the relationships of the solar and lunar cycles. Its northern back wall is built along a perfect east-west axis. In addition, Pueblo Bonito is located near the centre of Chaco Canyon and plays a crucial role in the astronomical solar/lunar alignment of 10 other Chaco Canyon great houses. #ancientarrow #matrixdisclosure #extraterrestrial