Channel: Coffee Chess
Category: Gaming
Tags: trash talkingchess trash talkingchesschess endgamechess hustlerchess hustlingchess trash talkchess openingschess hustlersbobby fischerchess tacticsfriends playing chesschess trash talkergame of the centurychess middlegamechess with friendsblitz chessbanter blitzchess opening
Description: They say it's better than Bobby Fischer's Game of The Century! Gain access to tons of cool extras by becoming a supporting patron! - Encourage Carlini to Play More By Getting Him Coffee! - (You can also use that link to send him a note he'll love to read!) CHESS GEAR IN VIDEO: ZMF Blue Chess Clock (Best Chess Clock IMO); Ultimate Staunton Chessmen; Black Vinyl Chess Board; Chess gear links are Amazon Associate Affiliate links which means I earn from qualifying purchases. Get Coffee Chess mugs, shirts, and other merch! - Game PGN 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c6 4. e4 dxe4 5. Nxe4 Nd7 6. Nf3 Ngf6 7. Bd3 Nxe4 8. Bxe4 Nf6 9. Bc2 Bb4+ 10. Bd2 Qa5 11. a3 Bxd2+ 12. Qxd2 Qh5 13. O-O O-O 14. Ne5 Rd8 15. Qf4 Qh6 16. Qxh6 gxh6 17. Rad1 Bd7 18. f4 Be8 19. f5 exf5 20. Rxf5 Kg7 21. Rdf1 Rd6 22. c5 Re6 23. Bb3 Rxe5 24. dxe5 Ng4 25. Rxf7+ Bxf7 26. Rxf7+ Kg6 27. e6 b6 28. Bc2+ Kg5 29. Rg7+ Kf4 30. g3+ Ke5 31. Rxg4 Kxe6 32. Rg7 bxc5 33. Rxh7 Rb8 34. Rxh6+ Kd5 35. b3 Re8 36. Kf2 Rf8+ 37. Ke3 Re8+ 38. Kf4 Rf8+ 39. Bf5 Re8 40. h4 (40. Be4+) 40... a5 41. h5 a4 42. bxa4 c4 43. Rg6 c3 44. h6 Rf8 45. h7 c2 46. h8=Q c1=Q+ 47. Kg4 Rxh8 48. Rg5 Kd6 49. Rg6+ Kc7 50. Rg7+ Kb6 51. Rg6 Qc4+ 52. Kg5 Qxa4 53. g4 Qxa3 54. Kf6 Qf8+ 55. Kg5 Rg8 56. Kh5 Rxg6 57. Bxg6 c5 58. g5 Kc6 59. Kg4 Kd6 60. Bf5 Ke5 61. Bc2 Qf4+ 62. Kh5 Qh2+