Channel: Official Steven Furtick
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: pruningsteven furtick sermonssermons about truthpreaching2022 sermonsassistance2021 sermonsinsignificancethe x factorpastor steven furtickfreedomstuckpreacherperspectiveliessermons about actionin a rutsermons about freedombeliefelevation churchpainhealthsignificancehelponline churchtruthsermons about significancesteven furtick sermon clipsthat’s not true anymoreprogresssermons about feeling stuckclear-mindedsteven furtick 2021
Description: You are so much more than you were. In “That’s Not True Anymore,” we’re taught how to silence the voices that remind us who we used to be, and instead, step into who God is calling us to be. This is an excerpt from “The X Factor.” To watch the full message from @Elevation Church, click here: —— Stay Connected Website: Steven Furtick Facebook: Steven Furtick Instagram: Steven Furtick Twitter: #stevenfurtick #stevenfurticksermons #thatsnottrueanymore #thexfactor #freedom #truth #pruning #stuck #significance #perspective #onlinechurch #churchonline Section Titles: 0:00 - How Will You Explain Your Pain? 3:12 - The Lies You Tell Yourself 6:54 - Leave That Part Out 9:26 - God Didn't Really Say That 12:54 - You Are Not Insignificant 15:30 - Do You Really Want To Get Well? 17:58 - Help Is Here Now Scripture References John 5, verse 3-7 That’s Not True Anymore | Steven Furtick