Channel: RockinBarbie
Category: Entertainment
Tags: barbie house tourbtsbarbie videoseverythingdollsmyfroggystuffrockinbarbiebarbieanything but ordinaryabo
Description: Hey guys. If you are interested in following me on my next journey, my new channel is below. This channel will be different, I have changed a lot over the past 8 years, BUT IT IS STILL ME. I may not have a passion for Barbie videos anymore as I did as a child, but I still have a passion for making videos, making people laugh, and encouraging people to love themselves. For a long time I tried to push past my disinterest in Barbie for you guys because I knew that my Barbie videos are what you guys wanted. But I soon realized that no matter how hard I tried, my videos would never have the same effect as they once did because I was not 100% in love with what I was doing. I also realized that I could be making other videos that I actually had a interest and passion for making, and it could possibly inspire you guys in the same way my Barbie videos did back in 2011. Another thing that kind of pushed me to make this decision is that I am moving out because my family is moving out of state and I will not have room for the Barbie sets and such in my apartment, and so it just made sense. It was time...But I never have or never will stop loving you guys, I just stop loving the videos I was making. So, I hope you stay with me. However if you decide to follow me on there, please follow me for Rachel, not for RockinBarbie. Obviously I will keep the RockinBarbie channel up because it is not something I am ashamed of, but this new channel is a new start so please respect that and leave any comments or Rockinbarbie concerns on this channel only. I love you guys, stay rockin :) channel: