Channel: exhalence.
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: riverdalecrossovermulticrossoverstranger things editthank you nextriverdale editmulticrossovereditgossip girl editthank u nextlara jeanmultifandomto all the boys ive loved beforelara jean and peteranne with an e editgirl meets world editteen wolf editlara jean and scott
Description: :( sorry it's short and not the best. also i just realized i didn't crossover blair with anyone and i added her in there -_-.. UGH SORRY fuck. i kinda got annoyed editing it halfway through because it wasn't perfect enough so i just.. gave up LOLZ. ugh.. sis.. my mind! anyways sorry again for uploading so much, lowkey i edit to cope with my depression. which is sort of getting bad again...BUT nevermind that okay idk why i always rant in this description box.. haha OKAY BYE ENJOY - coloring: Jula Misiak - #fanvidfeed #crossover #thankunext