Channel: Red Robot
Category: Gaming
Tags: tf2 strategytf2tf2 scout tipsredrobottf2 let's playspy tipstf2 tips and trickstf2 challenge modetipsredrobottf2 live commentarytf2 tipstf2 challengetf2 commentaryteamfortress2loading screen tipsscout tipstf2 soldier tipsgamingtf2 spy tipslet's playteamtips and trickstf2 loading screen tipslive commentaryfortresstf2 tacticssoldier tipschallenge modechallengeteam fortress 2 tipscommentary
Description: Tenet - "a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy." Tool Tip - "I obviously have no fucking idea do I?" Steam Group ► Twitter ► Twitch Stream ►