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Tags: dating advice for womenhow to make a guy jealous and want youhow to make a guy jealous and want you over text#carloscavallotvhow to make someone jealous wikihowhow to make a guy jealous over texthow to make someone jealous of youcarloscavallotexts to make him jealoushow to make someone jealous of you over texthow to make someone jealouscarlos cavallohow to make him jealoushow to make a man miss you like crazydatingadviceguru
Description: For more: Texts To Make a Man Feel Jealous - Make Him BEG For Your Attention! Jealousy Tip: Be a little extra flirty If a woman wants to be constantly in demand, she must always play the role of the Coquette. In fact, Coquette actually means “a woman who flirts.” ALL of the most desirable women flirt a little bit. Never disrespectful to their partners, but just enough to remind him that you’ve got options. For example, the next time you meet up with some friends, make sure you give the guy friends a little extra hug. Maybe even a peck on the cheek. In fact, at this point I want to make sure you're aware of something: No matter how innocently or casually you flirt, a man will always use anger to demonstrate his jealousy. Yes, this means he might get a little bit mad. (If he gets really mad, that means he has some anger issues or you just went too far.) When a guy gets mad, most women seek to pacify him. High demand women don't coddle his reaction. Let him be a little mad. He's not really mad at you, he's mad that he feels threatened. Guess when a man will put in the most effort? When will he work the hardest to keep you? Exactly - when he's threatened. That's when he gets his butt in gear and gets moving. Isn't that what you wanted? If so then don't let your fear of his emotional reaction (anger) stop you. As the saying goes, if you want to make an omelette you have to break a few eggs. Don't wuss out! Jealousy Tip: Pause the flow Chances are he's gotten very used to you responding to his texts right away. You probably do this thinking that it is respectful and how you would want him to treat you. The problem is that we don't treat people the way we are treated. We treat people the way they treat themselves. So my next suggestion for you is that you Pause The Flow - slow down on texting him. If you usually text him every single day in the morning, stop. Increase the time in between your texts. If he usually texts you back on his lunch break, wait a little extra longer before you text him back. The more he waits on you, the more he's thinking about you. It's a simple rule. If a guy feels like he's got you wrapped around his finger, he's going to get lazy with his attention and his affection for you. He'll take his sweet time to respond to you figuring that he's got you all locked up, nice and neat. It's your goal to break this assumption in his head. Shake up his world. The more you can make him doubt his hold on you, the better. Then he goes back to trying to win you over again. The way he should have from the very start. Remember, a man isn't yours until he begs you to marry him. Most women give up the game way too early. And as a result they end up chasing their man for the rest of their lives, instead of him chasing you. Which one would you rather have? Jealousy Tip: Touch Tactic Every so often it's a good idea to casually touch another guy in your man's presence. What I mean by this is, just a momentary hand on the arm of some other guy while you're with your man is a good idea. It's innocent enough that he can't really make a big deal out of it. (But don't you worry, he will. And he may even try to make it sound like it's your fault.) Don't fall for his games! You know that you're just innocently flirting. If he can't handle it, he's now just realizing that he doesn't have the hold on you he thought he did. Time for him to wake up and smell the coffee! Jealousy Tip: Go Out Somewhere Fun & Social - with the girls! If you're not already spending time with your friends, you may have fallen victim to one of the biggest traps of dating and relationships: the Trap of forgetting your friends. A lot of women fall into a pattern of giving all of their time to their boyfriend. This is one of the ways you can really sabotage your relationship. You should be going out with your girlfriends at least once a month if you can. Definitely no less than once every two months. And of course going to lunch here and there as well. But you should definitely get out to have a dinner and drinks with some of your friends. No men allowed. (Except the ones that hit on you, of course!) You should text him a picture of you looking all dressed up and ready to go out. You get extra points if you can make sure there's at least one single girl in your group. This will give him a little apprehension that will keep you on his mind. For more - ============================================ ** SUBSCRIBE for More Videos: =========================================== Carlos Cavallo Dating Advice Guru Facebook: =========================================== Texts To Make a Man Feel Jealous