Channel: NASA 360
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: atmospherebehind the spacecraftscientistjet propulsion laboratorymartianbestperseveranceautonomouslanderroboticspacelifeinteriorrobotspacecraftdesigntouchdownlandsuccessfulhardwaretechdescendexplorationexploremarsplanetjplred planetaipropulsionlaunchtechnologyedlengineerentrydescentnasamissionparachutemeasurelandingscienceearthvisitrovertravelhumans
Description: From launch to the journey to Mars to atmospheric entry to surviving on the Martian surface, NASA’s Perseverance rover will have to endure a lot of extreme environments on its way to the Red Planet. But before this spacecraft experiences the real deal, we need to test all of these conditions on Earth first. Meet Michelle Tomey Colizzi, a NASA-JPL engineer who is working to make that happen. Explore more: