Channel: MWG Studios
Category: Gaming
Tags: miniature wargamingminiwargaming
Description: To watch the Space Wolves vs Druhkari Battle Report, go here Everyone's favorite Kenny has returned to challenge Josh using two of the most top tier competitive list in todays Open War batrep. Get your miniatures commission painted by Siege Studios MWG Silver Vault members gain access to discount codes from terrain and miniatures companies featured in this battle report here: A big “thank you” goes out to Games Workshop for sending us free models and books for their games, some of which may be included in this video. MiniWarGaming is following the best practices set out by the Ontario (Canada) health and safety guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Ontario (Canada) Prevention Services Guidance on Health and Safety for Television, Film and Live Performance Sector during COVID-19. Join this channel to get access to perks: