Channel: TwoneShotThat Exclusive
Category: Music
Tags: rapjungle muzik larrygee money industrywnc whopdie bout it wncofficialvideonba youngboy dissteflon markshe moneynba youngboyshotthatmusicg moneyscotty cain nba smokeda real gee moneytwoneindustry gee moneythe real gee moneyjay lewisscotty cainwho you supposed to be
Description: TwoneShotThat Presents: Teflon Mark - Black Bih (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Directed + Edited by Antoine Thomas -- #TwoneShotThat #Twone #Shot #That #Official #Music #Video -- Official Channel of TwoneShotThat Subscribe for updates on music videos and more -- TwoneShotThat Socials: