Channel: Sea-Money Fishing
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: sharktog fishinggreat whitetautogtog rigporbeaglebelmar rigblackfishblowhardseamoneyfishingstriped bassnyrhode island fishingtog jigtoggrubbzblackfish fishingstriperrinj
Description: Todds Channel- Blowhards IG - @blowhard_Charters Decent day of toggin with captain blowhard and special guest todd grubbz. We set sail into the mighty atlantic in hopes of swinging 10lbers all day but that didnt happen. We released all the tog on this trip except one grubbz caught and cooked for his channel. Caught a glimpse of a coldwater shark at 7:36, probably a Porbeagle? maybe a Great White? what do you think? Generally used the belmar slider rig as it proved to be most effective on this day. Happy Thanksgiving to all. conventional rod I used- Conventional Reel capt Blowhard and I were using - 3/0 hooks I generally use for tog rigs 25 pack - insulated xtra tuf boots - my camera -