Channel: Katrin Berndt
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: tattoo cover-ups: why are they so big & what if you regret the cover-up?katrin berndt tattoogetting a new tattooswedishreworking a tattooinkbody modificationsaccentregretting a tattootattookatrin berndttattoo regretswedentattoostattoo cover upstattoo paininkedgetting a big tattoocover up tattootattoos before and after
Description: ♥ Access the free Tattoo FAQ Vault here: ♥ In today's video, I share my thoughts on tattoo cover-ups! After my latest video about cover-ups, I got a lot of questions about their size and why they are often so big compared to the original tattoo, so I will be talking about that in today's video as well. I hope you enjoy! #tattoos #tattoocoverups Links & FAQ Below ↓ ------------------------- Thank you to my followers who allowed me to use their photos as examples! My follower who got her tattoo lasered before covering it wanted to add this information: "I got 13+ laser sessions before getting it covered up. I got laser done at different studios, and they all varied in professionalism, price and effectiveness. As some studios can be harsher than others I got scarring but that's not the case for everybody. It depends also on the skin type and the background of the tattoo." ------------------------- MY SUBSCRIBERS’ TATTOO COVER-UPS: Reacting to Before & After Photos: STORYTIME: I Have a Man's Name Tattooed on Me: ------------------------- · SOCIAL MEDIA · Join my Facebook group! Website/blog: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: ------------------------- · FAQ · ♥ Where are you from? Sweden ♥ What camera do you use? Canon EOS 70D ♥ What size are your ears/septum? 30 mm ears and 3.2 mm septum ♥ Can you make a video about so and so? Probably yes, unless I've already made one! Comment below and ask. ------------------------- · FOR COMPANIES · Hi there! If you have a business inquiry, please do email me at the address below with a detailed description of your proposal and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Email me at ♥ All opinions in this video and on this channel are my own and not affected by any third party. ------------------------- Thank you for your amazing support! Without you guys, this wouldn't be as much fun for me. Lots of hugs! ♥ Katrin