Channel: Andrew Dotson
Category: Entertainment
Tags: odutheoreticaljefferson labarundegreegradschoolcalebphdandrewresearchdanielnmsujlabmajorphysicsgradstudentjinyiparticleastridnuclearinterviewdotsonfilip
Description: Today I speak with some nuclear physicists I met during my HUGS summer school. I learn about their research, and have nice discussions about what's at the frontier of nuclear physics. To find out more about HUGS nuclear physics summer school: 0:00 Introduction 1:36 Jingyi Zhou- Neutron Polarizability 6:36 Filip Bergabo- Color Glass Condensate 11:17 Caleb Fogler- Pion Production 12:56 Aspects of Exp. Nuclear Physics 16:33 Astrid Hiller Blin- Nucleon Structure/ Exotic Hadrons 19:55 Non-perturbative Calculations 22:10 Synergy between Exp. and Theoretical Physics 24:33 Daniel Adamiak- Proton Spin Puzzle 28:13 Arun Tadepalli- OAM Distributions/ Nucleon Form Factors 31:03 Transition into Graduate Research