Channel: Jer Schmidt
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: woodshopjer's woodshopprojecttable saw stationrouter lifttable saw cabinetrouterwoodworkingrouter tablestationwoodtable saw fencemaketableoverviewextentionsmakinghomemadesawmobileworkstationcombotable saw extentionrouter table fencelaminatedfollowupbuildtable sawshop improvementfencecabinetmobile baseframe
Description: An overview of my table saw station, since I got so many questions about it. Be sure to check out the videos about my table saw fence and router table fence: -Build video for the table saw fence and rail: -Followup video for the table saw fence, using it to cut box joints: -Build video for the router table fence: Thanks for your interest! Support me on Patreon: