Channel: Emil Rengle
Category: Entertainment
Tags: florin salamsalamofficialvideohungarianmaneleszeretnichoreographymagdolnanemrùzsatocuritáncdancelehethalottpenzemilmagassarkú2020dansrenglemagyarpénzmagdiakithalott
Description: SURPRISE! Probably not many of you guys know it, but besides of being a citizen of Planet Earth, I am also Hungarian and I understand and speak the language...well, this song and it's message means everything to me in this period of time, so I really needed to get it out of my system in the Dance Studio. I'm sure that the universal language of dancing will help you get the mood. The choreography looks like we're flying and flowing, but trust me: that's the hardest part of it 😊 Thank you for appreciating and sharing my work! Follow me: INSTAGRAM: TIK TOK: FACEBOOK: Booking: | +40.0757.104.166 VIDEO: @cristianmiron SONG: Halott Pénz feat. Rúzsa Magdi - Szeretni, akit nem lehet