Channel: Auto Fetish Detail
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: swirl marks on black cardarren priestdetailing tutorialdetailing videoswirl marksswirl marks on carclear coat swirl marksauto fetish detailwhat causes swirl marks
Description: What are swirl marks on a car? Is there really a big lie in the industry when it comes to talking about swirl marks in car paint, swirl marks in clear coat, and swirl marks in general? In this detailing tutorial, Darren discusses one of the big lie's in the industry surrounding the topic of clear coat swirl marks and what they really are. Is there a difference between swirl marks in car paint versus swirl marks in clear coat? Are swirl marks on a black car any different than swirl marks on any other color of car? What exactly causes swirl marks and how do you fix swirl marks on a car? Tune into this detailing video and expand your mind on all thigs related to swirl marks and your car paint. And play along with Darren's "quiz" as seen during the video.... Swirl Marks in Clear Coat: What is Clear Coat: What Does Clear Coat Do: Swirl Marks on New Car: #swirlmarksoncar #swirlmarksonblackcar #whatareswirlmarks