Channel: MRswipez1
Category: Gaming
Tags: tf2team fortress 2swipez spy journeymrswipezswipezsfmspy fragsspy journeyspytf2 spy
Description: Music: 1. Demon Slayer: Rengoku Theme 2. Judge Eyes - Destination 3. DJ CDT-MGS Escape (Pursuit Remix) 4. Kanye West - Power 5. Yakuza 0 Intro Theme 6. Payday 2 - Break The Rules Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:00 Chapter 1 - Pubs 5:45 Chapter 2 - Degrootkeep 8:40 Chapter 3 - Versus Saxton Hale 12:26 Chapter 4 - Competitive Highlander 17:00 Klown & Swipez (to be continued?) 17:40 Credits, Donations, SFMs 18:08 Bonus Clips: True Ending Thumbnail by Star Dash All SFMs by Star Dash Special Shoutout to Aryze for helping me at the comp part