Channel: Yumi
Category: Gaming
Tags: yumiluckyrainbow six siegeamong usr6hilariousnorth starupdatefunny momentsrainbow six siege gameplaynew operatorsusrainbow sixtuxbirdrainbow six siege funny momentsrainbow six siege tipsrainbow six siege rankedsussy bakafunnyrainbow six siege thunderbirdfailsnewthunderbirdgamingcomedyoperation northstarsiegetrollepicrainbowhackersus momentsbest momentscompilationtest serverrainbow six siege north starbuffchampion
Description: Go to and find out how you can get 3 months free! I hope you enjoy these super SUS moments in Rainbow Six Siege! I hope these r6 funny moments will hold you over until we get epic content on Operation North Star with Thunderbird! Enjoy :) 2nd channel: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: BlakeYumi Discord: Business Inquiries: Music: Leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Subscribe for more epic content :) Operation North Star is RIGHT AROUND the corner and I hope you guys are all ready for the massive amounts of nerfs and buffs because this game is about to change a lot! Hopefully it is all for the better, but hopefully the cheater problem goes away and nothing is TOO OP in the new season of rainbow six siege.