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Duration: 11:46Views: 9.3KLikes: 733Date Created: May, 2018

Channel: Sahara Hare

Category: People & Blogs

Tags: jesus is alive

Description: Second journal reading rewritten: Obsessed with hurry. Always something eventually knocks me out of the race. I sit on my butt in the dirt as it feels like everyone is beating me and running on far ahead. But there where I’ve landed the king of heaven, of earth, and all the vastness in between also sits. He asks where I was going in such a hurry. When I look at him I realize there is no where else I would rather be. Hey you, thanks for supporting me by watching this. I hope with all my heart this video speaks even the smallest amount of light into your life. Much love and encouragement, Sahara My Instagram: instagram.com/saharahare/?hl=en

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