Channel: Kostamoinen
Category: Entertainment
Tags: tf2modhalfmoviefeechannelsourcegmodanimatesandvichtipsdonationtipdonatejoinperksannouncementkostaanimatesoptionalpatreonfilmmakerannouncefortressmonthlyvalvesupportyoutubebenefitssubgamevideomembershipsubscriptionlifekostamoinenmembersteamfunnywipsubscribesandwichteamthemeetmoneyfundsfmanimatorclip
Description: It is now possible to support this channel so I will be able to spend more time making videos! This channel isn't big enough to reliably pay for expenses with ad revenue. So I have enabled YouTube Channel Memberships (It's similar to Patreon). If you enjoy my videos, this is an optional method of supporting my channel! I have been making Source Filmmaker videos for 10 years (since 2012), and I wish to keep going for many more years to come! You can help make this possible. By becoming a member, you are helping me produce more public videos for everyone to see on this YouTube channel. Thank you! A free method to help this channel is to make sure you've seen all my latest videos! If you prefer to use Patreon, you can find it here: Demoman animation at the end is made by: Steaky Steaky is a very gifted (and underrated) animator check out him out! #SFM #TF2 #animated #gaming #animation #KostamoinenSFM #teamfortress2