Channel: GREGandLOU
Category: Comedy
Tags: spoofdiefortress of solitudeaunt mayrogermothertony starksupport grouppostguardians of the galaxyjor-elhomecomingsequelragnarockman of steelhonest adsparodyfilmwhy did you say that nameuncle bensupermanthomas wayneparentswhokillsheart attackmarthajonathan kentsuperherohologramfatherjoe chillspidermancrackedtrailercreditsafterwaynefunnyrebootthortornadoiron manbatmanblack pantherthe avengersjokersketchteaser
Description: Batman's parents, Superman's dads and Spiderman's Uncle Ben talk about how they are sick of dying in film reboots. Martha Wayne - Giselle Gilbert Thomas Wayne - Greg Burke Uncle Ben - Jack Hunter Jonathan Kent - Peter Wylie Jor-El - Lou Perez Therapist - Nick Pettigrew Directed, written and edited by Greg Burke Cinematography and special effects editing by E. Gustavo Petersen Sound by Ed Spangler Hair & Makeup by Heather Galipo Uncle Ben finds out about Tony Stark & Aunt May. Intense therapy session for Thomas and Martha Wayne, Uncle Ben, Jonathan Kent and Jor-El.