Channel: Baller Boot Camp
Category: Sports
Tags: basketball movebasketball training movesballer boot campbasketball moves for guardscrossover movesbasketballcrossover movebasketball movesshifty crossovercrossover basketball moveaugie johnstonbasketball crossovershifty crossover movecrossover tutorial
Description: If you like this crossover move please hit that LIKE BUTTON! --- FREE WORKOUT HERE In today's video I teach you guys a new crossover move called the "Delayed Through The Legs Move." I've only actually used this one a few times in real games, but it's worked each time I've tried it. It's nothing crazy, but it is tricky to defend. So go ahead and go out there and practice it and maybe it will be one of your new go to moves. #WeDedicated, Augie Johnston P.S. If you haven't gotten our free workout called The Secret Weapon Workout you should def do that. Here's the link: -- FREE WORKOUT -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- You should now go over and watch this video...I actually picked it out special for you...Hint: floater ;) -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-