Channel: Drew Tabor
Category: Music
Tags: boyfriendpop music (musical genre)1989 full albummusic (tv genre)officialellenshake it off (composition)coverleaktaylor swift music videokaty perry (celebrity)lyricsdancemusic videolivewelcome to new yorknewreactionsingingshake it off taylor swiftalbumacousticout of the woodsdrew taborblank spacewildest dreams (composition)harry stylesgirlguitarall you had to do was staybad bloodstyleinterview1989taylor swift (celebrity)
Description: I think I was one of the first people to upload a cover of Style by Taylor Swift from 1989, and now it's almost at a million views! Get my new EP "In The Garden" here- PATREON- facebook- twitter- instagram- vlog channel- Hey guys! I am completely obsessed with Taylor Swift's new album 1989 so I just haaaad to cover one of the songs. Here's my version of "Style". Hope you enjoy. Ps- Made da sick beat myself. No lip syncing. Check out my other covers of Taylor Swift songs including Shake It Off, Blank Space, Clean, and Wildest Dreams on my channel. Should I cover Bad Blood? Let me know in the comments!