Channel: Fourcent
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: funny animationsstorytimestory time animatorcartoonstupid things i did as a kidfunny animatorcomedyfourcentanimatestupid things animationfourcent stupid things i did as a kidfunny storytime animatorfourcent animationsfunny animation channelfunny animationfishdrawingfour centstupid funny animationsstorytime animationsnimation cartoon animator animate animationanimation channelanimatoranimation channels
Description: Hope you guys enjoyed the animation on Stupid things I believed as a kid, yes I know Theodd1sout made this similar video so all credits go to him for the Idea! Crazy we Hit 5K Guys I'm really excited for the future of this channel now! Twitter: What I use to Animate: Tablet: Wacom Intous Pro (medium) Art: Paint Tool Sai Video Program: Adobe Premiere Pro 2015 cc Mic: Blue Yeti