Channel: CookieSwirlC
Category: Gaming
Tags: youtubegamemedicalshowteachingvideodisastercookieswirlc videosworldteachersimtodaybuilderclowntycoonhospitalnewsimulatorcookie swirlcookiecookie swirl videospatientspart 9two point hospitalyoutubermedical schoolrecommendeddoctorswirlcookie swirl crpstory
Description: π I get to run my own hospital in a game called Two Point Hospital. I have to hire all the doctors and nurses and build the perfect medical center to cure all the patients that come in. :D Have a magical day and I'll see you in my next video! :D π FREE YouTube Subscription! πͺ Instagram: @CookieSwirlC πͺ Twitter @CookieSwirlC πͺ Roblox Group Forever Cookie Fans:!/store πͺ Channel VIP: Cookie does NOT have Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok or any other social media.