Channel: Alx James
Category: Comedy
Tags: alx james waterbugsstorytimefunny storyimealx james mcdonaldsalx james old vinesalx james coffeealx james boyfriendalx james dogat&talx james reactionalx james vinealx james singingalx james best vinesalx james starbuckscustomer
Description: Waterbug of the week: Will be announced Saturday. I WILL BE ON THE CAMEO APP TONIGHT: So if you have sent me a request in the past week i will be getting to it tonight! See y'all soon. ------------------------------- Subscribe: ------------------------------- Last weeks video: LIES I'VE TOLD ON YOUTUBE ------------------------------- Follow Me: Snapchat: AlxJames10 Instagram: AlxJames Twitter: AlxJames10 Facebook: Alx James Vine: Alx James